Top 10k strings from Spectrum Adventurer - Issue 07 (1986)(Spectrum Adventure Exch Club)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 ;"ML8 5RT"
   2 ;"CARLUKE"
   1 ~?3><>7s>sp<
   1 ~<<|`~ff~<~~
   1 tbatb     J
   1 t$="TERRORS of TRANTOSS< <Just some quick tips for this<but more will follow later< <TEMPLE DOG< <To catch this you need to PART<the brothers and then get one<to take the sack to the side<of the Temple. Get him to PUT <SACK INTO HOLE and then get the<other brother to enter the<Temple and then CLOSE DOOR<before he tries to CATCH DOG.<It should now run through the<hole in the wall and be caught<in the sack.":
   1 t$="T of T (cont)< <WELL< <SHINE LANTERN DOWN WELL to find<out about the rungs. Now Scarn <can CLIMB DOWN RUNGS to reach<the bottom in safety.< <However, first get LOBO to get <the Temple door and then to <drop it down the well.Now when <Scarn climbs down he will find <it has broken into planks.<He can use these to build a <bridge over the river.<When he visits the Ogre make<sure he CREEPS EAST and that he<is carrying the sword.":
   1 t$="T of T (cont)< <To pass the Fanglizard, just <make sure you CLOSE GATE behind<you.< <If your lamp runs out, try and<LYTE STAFF ... it works!!!.< <The staff when lit also opens<the crystal lid of the chest in<Vendas Vane's vaults. All you<have to do is INSERT STAFF INTO<HOLE.< <More Next Month ...":
   1 t$="Part 3 (cont.)< <To catch the bat just ATTACK<BAT when carrying the Net.< <The Cauldron is to be found by<going WEST, WEST, UP, EAST and<SOUTHWEST from the start.< <Once you have the Gold, go to<the 8 sided room and when you<are there, head NORTHEAST, EAST<SOUTHEAST and then WEST to the<Altar. Now as long as you have<the Crucifix you may go SOUTH <to meet the Devil. If you then<GIVE GOLD to him, he will tell<you the password.":
   1 t$="Part 3 (Cont.)< <Once you learn the Magic Word,<return to the Magic Door at the<foot of the Stairs (make sure<you are carrying the Pike) and<SAY BEELZEBUM and you will be<allowed to go NORTH and then UP<to meet the Cardinal. To rescue<Esmerelda just ATTACK CARDINAL<with the Pike.< < <Your task is done !!!!":
   1 t$="PART 3< <To complete the game you need<to perform some Alchemy to<turn the Lead into Gold. To do <this, first deposit these into<the Cauldron ....<SNAIL<FROG's LEGS<ONION<GARLIC<BROWN PACKET<LEAD<RING<SERPENT<BAT":
   1 t$="PART 2< <To leave this part you need to<UNLOCK DOOR with the Iron Key.<However before you do, you must<first kill the serpent and <collect the following ....<SILVER RING<LEAD<DEAD SERPENT<Along with these you will need<the Net,Lantern and Crucifix in<part 3.< <To pass the Ghost you must DROP<the severed head. You can find<this by going EAST, SOUTH,<SOUTH, EAST from the start.":
   1 t$="PART 1< <To complete this part you need<to collect all 5 books and then<give them to the Bishop.He will<now put them back onto the<shelf where their weight will<cause a crack to appear in the<floor.<All you have to do now is to <find the Candle, Net, Lantern, <Key, Sword and Crucifix. <Then LIGHT LANTERN before going<DOWN to part 2< <WARNING:- <Stay away from the main gate..":
   1 t$="If you want any help or< < advice, or just want to tell< < BIRD of your Top 3 adventures< <write to ..... < <The BIRD & the BALROG< <c/o 26 Spotland Tops< <Cutgate< <Rochdale< <Lancashire OL12 7NX":
   1 t$="Hunchback Notes.< <You will also find some bread<and wine in part 2 but these<only serve to boost the levels<of your strength and courage.< <The hardest part of the game is<finding your way around, so map<it carefully.< <Also in part 3 you will not <have a weapon until you get the<Pike, so any battling will have<to be done by hand.":
   1 t$="BUDGET FIVE< < <1..SE-KAA of ASSIAH< <2..ZZZZZ< <3..SINBAD & the GOLDEN SHIP< <4..KENTILLA < <5..THE SHREWSBURY KEY< < <Not forgetting the reissue of<THE HULK.":
   1 t$="BIRD CHAT< <Last month's tape seemed like a<Fergus McNeil appreciation<society, what with us and Alex.<However Bird and I thoroughly<believe that you cannot have <enough of a good thing, so more<power to F.M's 'Quill'.< <This month we have been having<a struggle with TERRORS and do<we mean struggle. All we have<seen is -BREAK- Yep!it's yet<another 'bugged' adventure<Pity, because it could have <been a classic.":
   1 t$="BIRD CHAT (cont)< <Judging by Bird's mailbox, more<of you are turning to 'Budget'<adventures, so he has compiled<a top five of those for you on <the next page. If any of you <are having problems with these<then drop Bird a line as he has<prepared 'Help Sheets' for them<all. .... FREE!!!":
   1 t$="< < < < < BYE !< < < <Press any key to read again.< < < < <     The BIRD & the BALROG":
   1 t$="***BIRD'S TOP FIVE***< < <1.THE BOGGIT < <2.AFTERSHOCK< <3.TERRORS of TRANTOSS< <4.REBEL PLANET< <5.ROBIN of SHERLOCK< < < <Send in your votes and see if<your fave will enter the chart.":
   1 s6<8<63q~00001
   1 s33??33s~~
   1 proff=9100
   1 o,o;"        press any key           "
   1 l,c;t$(f):
   1 g         
   1 diff=32768
   1 bird      
   1 TEXT      ba
   1 P.S. We shall also be taking a  quick look at 'TERRORS of       TRANTOSS'."
   1 LOADER    
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CODE      
   1 CHARLOC=32256
   1 CHARLOC=15360
   1 Adventuring
   1 <~ff<f~<<~F~>
   1 ;"from David Elgar":
   1 ;"______________"
   1 ;"You begin RESCUE FROM DOOM in a cave whichhas a blocked entrance. Ah!Ha! Here is a  torch and a match, no doubt these will    come in useful. Go south from here and youfind a shinny coat, I suppose it is meant to be shiny. Later on you find a tuning   fork which in the text is spelt tunning!"
   1 ;"Yep! it is us again.We hope you are enjoying these small chats  and that you find them helpful  and interesting.We will try to  make all your '
   1 ;"Wirral":
   1 ;"Vocabulary is very important. It would be impractical if not impossible for the     computer to understand every word to be   found in the text, but you must ensure    that if an object is described in the textthen it must be in the vocabulary even if the player cannot use it."
   1 ;"This time around we shall be    dealing with a light-hearted    adventure.                                                      HUNCHBACK 3.                                                    
   1 ;"There is a `1.00 voucher on each cassette inlay which can be used as part payment onfuture releases."
   1 ;"The program refuses to acknowledge your   commands to GET or DROP objects. At the   top of each screen are two matchstick likefigures who, presumably represent yourselfand a droid called Dave who follows you   around. All to often these figures are    scrolled off the screen as the text is    printed."
   1 ;"The Object of TREASURE is quite simply to find some treasure and take it to a templehidden in a forrest, yes, forrest!"
   1 ;"The BIRD & The BALROG"
   1 ;"TREASURE":
   1 ;"THE DRAGON OF NOTACARE is a vast          improvement on the previous offerings.    Here at last can be found some decent textand actual problems to be solved."
   1 ;"TAPE 7  SIDE 1  NOVEMBER 1986"
   1 ;"Sunrise over Bethselamine is an adventure which takes place on the mining planet    Bethselamine. This is a rather strange    planet as the sun only appears every      twenty years or so."
   1 ;"Spelling mistakes are probably the most   glaring faults in an adventure. If the    author hasn't taken the trouble to remove them why should anyone go to the trouble  of buying and playing the game. I accept  that the odd mistake may not be noticed   but when a game is littered with them. . ."
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SIDE 1":
   1 ;"S.A.E.C."
   1 ;"Price: `6.95":
   1 ;"Price: `2.50 each"
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY  B - BACK  Q - QUIT"
   1 ;"Now that the competition is over you can  send in your problems and we will answer  your plea for help by return post."
   1 ;"No  of  Issues"
   1 ;"Moreton":
   1 ;"Merseyside":
   1 ;"Meanwhile, a large bomb is ticking away inJock's bedroom and Armadillosoft are      offering a prize to the first person to   defuse it."
   1 ;"Lanarkshire"
   1 ;"LOADING"
   1 ;"L46 7UH":
   1 ;"Jock and the Beanstalk and Sunrise over   Bethselamine are two adventures on one    cassette which costs `1.50 and is         available from:-"
   1 ;"It is possible to perform many weird and  wonderful tasks in adventures but whateveraction takes place should be logical      within the context of the adventure. A    laser pistol would look just a little bit out of place in a prehistoric cave."
   1 ;"IS LOADING";
   1 ;"H.R.H.":
   1 ;"Format: CASSETTE":
   1 ;"Format: CASSETTE"
   1 ;"Enough of the future and back to the      present with Jock and the Beanstalk."
   1 ;"By hitting the aforementioned tuning fork you are told that the noise is sharp      enough to bring down a loose roof.        Unfortunately I couldn't find a loose roofso I just pulled the plug."
   1 ;"Adventures from north of the border are   fairly rare, you are more likely to catch a glimpse of a haggis running up a        mountain. Let's see what they are like."
   1 ;"8th Day Software":
   1 ;"4 Kilmartin Lane"
   1 ;"18 Flaxhill":
   1 ;"*****THE BIRD & THE BALROG*****
   1 ;" You will meet various characters such as  Princess Anne who will do her best to run you over with a lawn mower, and Princess  Margaret doing her best to stop smoking."
   1 ;" You can wander around most of the         locations in this game but a few of them  are out of bounds unless certain          condtions are met. For example, you       cannot enter the waxworks without a       ticket. Now, to get the ticket you will   have to do some mimicking and this had me in stitches."
   1 ;" We hope you have enjoyed this issue of    Spectrum Adventurer."
   1 ;" UNITED KINGDOM    `5.00  `10.00  `18.00"
   1 ;" The adventure begins when you receive the Queen's giro instead of your own dole     money. You must cash the giro and give    the money to the Queen, which is easier   said than done." 
   1 ;" Single copies and back numbers cost `2.00 each. Add `0.50 for Europe and `1.50 for  the rest of the world."
   1 ;" Send your answers to :-"
   1 ;" REST OF THE WORLD `9.00  `18.00  `36.00"
   1 ;" Please state which adventure you would    like to receive and give an alternative   title in case your original choice is not available."
   1 ;" Make sure you don't miss out on Spectrum  Adventurer by taking out a subscription."
   1 ;" EUROPE            `7.50  `12.00  `24.00"
   1 ;" All payments should be in Sterling and    made payable to S.A.E.C. Please send your orders to the address shown on the next   page."
   1 ;"  Solution - 1) Inca Curse                             2) Ludoids                                3) Marie Celeste"
   1 ;"  COMP 3 winner P Brown of Hamilton chose   Sherlock."
   1 ;"   S P E C T R U M  A D V E N T U R E R "
   1 ;"    Closing date for entries is 29th          NOVEMBER 1986. Last months winner         will be announced next month."
   1 ;"     The winner of our competition is":
   1 ;"     Scotland":
   1 ;"     PA8 7HY":
   1 ;"     ERSKINE":
   1 ;"     1 High Parksail":
   1 ;"       ISSUE No 7  NOVEMBER 1986  
   1 ;"           Jock and the Beanstalk                  Sunrise over Bethselamine":
   1 ;"                   3      6       12"
   1 ;"                                ":
   1 +diff-CH*768
   1 (CHARLOC/256
   1 '''" 8th Day Software published several budget price adventures a few years ago and      H.R.H. is their latest game."
   1 '''"         C O N T R I B U T O R S"
   1 ''"Congratulations David. Your Microvitec    monitor is on its way to you."
   1 ''" Unscramble the letters to find the titles of three Spectrum adventures."
   1 ''" 1 HAD ME PAST"
   1 ''"     Clear your computer and LOAD """"                   for The Balrog"
   1 ''"     Alex Marsh";:
   1 ''"        E D I T O R  William Young"
   1 '"Welcome to issue 7 of SPECTRUM ADVENTURER."
   1 '"Unless a location is illustrated, text    should consist of more than one or two    lines. Use the text to create vivid       descriptions and atmosphere."
   1 '"Try to anticipate which commands a player will use and provide verbs with synonyms  e.g. for BREAK include SMASH, DESTROY; forKILL you could add FIGHT, ATTACK, SLAY,   MURDER." 
   1 '"The scenario of your adventure is limited only by the bounds of your imagination -  or lack of it! Adventures set in space or caves are all too common nowadays. Try to think of something original - look at HRH reviewed in this issue, not a cave or     space ship in sight."
   1 '"Problems and puzzles are the meat and veg of an adventure, they can be easy or hard to solve but the means of solving them    must be made available to the player      without resorting to specialist knowledge of a particular subject." 
   1 '"Over the past few months we have received several requests for help with this       adventure. Obviously, because of the prizewe were unable to give any advice."
   1 '"Once the adventure is written it must be  thoroughly tested, preferably not by the  author. Particular attention must be paid to spelling - I don't know how many times I have travelled through forrests and     feilds or been kiled by a monster."
   1 '"Most adventures are written with utilitiessuch as The Quill. Use the most up to dateversion of the utility as it offers the   player more facilities e.g. RAM SAVE/LOAD."
   1 '"Make sure that when a player tries to     EXAMINE an object he is given an          appropriate message as opposed to ""You    can't""."
   1 '"Make sure that objects do what they are   supposed to do and that exits from a      location can be used, if not the player   must be informed why." 
   1 '"Last month I wrote about the difficulties of marketing adventures. But before you   even reach that stage, you first of all   have to write one. So this month let's    take a look at how to write an adventure."
   1 '"If Armadillosoft can sort out the problemswith Jock and get rid of S.O.B. they will have a worthwhile product. Until they do, keep your money in your pocket. I can onlyhope that the same errors do not appear ontheir new adventures."
   1 '"Follow these guidelines and you will be onthe road to producing a good adventure."
   1 '"7 THE BALROG"
   1 '"5 D EDGAR's           4 SPACE ODYSSEY"
   1 '"3 H.R.H.              3 ADVENTURE"
   1 '"1 EDITORIAL           1 HINTS AND TIPS"
   1 '" Write to:- SPECTRUM ADVENTURER"
   1 '" We would like to know what you think of   the magazine so please write and tell us. Your views will help us to provide the    best possible service for you."
   1 '" The winner will be the first person       picked from the assembled entries who has correctly named all three titles."
   1 '" Finished an adventure? Don't let it       gather dust on a shelf - exchange it for  another one."
   1 '" Do you find the reviews informative? Do   you enjoy the competition? Do we provide  enough hints & tips? What do you think of the serialised adventure?"
   1 '" 3 WRAN IS PAID MORE"
   1 '" 2 EERIED SMALL"
   1 '"  REVIEWS"
   1 '"  ADVENTURES            (NEXT PROGRAM)"
   1 '"  (NEXT PROGRAM)"
   1 '"   You have won this battle but I shall      win the war."
   1 '"     Peter Jackson";:
   1 '"       The translated message was:-"
   1 '"         MAIN MENU"
   1 '"           WIN A FREE ADVENTURE"
   1 '"           SIDE 1"
   1 ' as  easy and as happy as possible.";
   1 "----------------------":
   1 "----------------"
   1 "--------"
   1 "  Your search for the dragon will take youthrough tunnels and caves. Dancing with   some natives will help you to bump off thebeast. Not too bad a game but `1.99 would have been dear enough."
   1 "  Who does Jock meet in the Chinese       laundry? A man from China who is no other than Cannonball Smith (in disguise) of theX Team."
   1 "  When this adventure had loaded I thoughtthe program had crashed as I was greeted  with a blank screen for several seconds.  The text eventually appeared but due to   the slow response time, poor vocabulary   and the spidery writing I didn't play it  for long."
   1 "  We intended to publish the solution to  Castle Thade but instead we have revised  the adventure, adding more locations and  providing more problems. This version of  the game will be in two parts and cost    only `2.50. It will be on sale from the   1st of December 1986."
   1 "  Wander around for a bit and you will    find a dingy next to a river. I nearly    tore my hair out trying to board it and   sail down the river. Little did I know    that I had to GET DINGY by DEFLATING it   then BLOW it up before I could SAIL."
   1 "  This is a quilled text adventure in     which you have to help Jock find his      fortune. As this game is based very loose-ly on the story of Jack and the beanstalk it isn't too difficult to produce a bean- stalk."
   1 "  This is a Quilled and Illustrated       adventure with pictures that take an      interminably long time to be drawn and    which do nothing to add atmosphere to the game. Sadly, even at only `2.50 I have to give this one the thumbs down."
   1 "  There are virtually no problems to be   solved. Apart from killing a few Orcs and finding a torch all you have to do is pickup or drop some objects."
   1 "  There are around thirty locations in    this game, most of which are described in less than two lines of text, and a number of objects, including the four keys lying around for the taking."
   1 "  There are also bugs in the coding which makes me wonder if the game was ever      tested! For example, the salesman in the  market persists in asking you if you want to sell your cow even after you have sold it to the stranger."
   1 "  TREASURE must be the worst adventure I  have ever seen and an asking price of     `2.50 is nothing short of daylight        robbery."
   1 "  See next months magazine for full       details."
   1 "  Rescue From Doom held my attention for  about 10 minutes. I might have persevered by trying to find my way down into a      trench which is described in one location,but the program didn't even understand theword trench!"
   1 "  One of the problems in this game is to  divert the attention of a guard who also  happens to be the local fireman."
   1 "  Once Jock has climbed the beanstalk, allsimilarities between him and Jack dis-    appear. Jock is now in a strange world    where he meets some very peculiar         characters."
   1 "  Notacare is a village which is being    terrorised by a dragon. You are the personwho has to sort it out."
   1 "  Not that that was worth doing. I ended  up in a cavern, went down a flight of     stairs to a location I had visited near   the beginning of the game! There doesn't  seem to be a way out of the first few     locations."
   1 "  Jock and the Beanstalk is a pleasant    enough adventure and has a few humourous  touches here and there but there are      numerous spelling mistakes which make thisgame a candidate for The Spelling MistakesOf The Year Award."
   1 "  Jock also comes across a TURDIS, flying pigs and TRASH TOWERS where the man with  the funny dictionary can be found."
   1 "  It seems that a large globe like space  craft has landed on the planet and is     causing earth tremors which have caused   the tourists to disappear. Your job is to save the planet from destruction."
   1 "  It is also a rather unusual adventure,  being written in BASIC and has a very     spidery character set."
   1 "  In order to do this you will have to    find four coloured keys which are needed  to open a chest."
   1 "  I thought the game was hilarious and a   refreshing change from caves and monsters and is certainly a cut above many         adventures. In this day and age of low    cost adventures it may seem expensive but save up your pennies, you won't be        disappointed."
   1 "  I have some reservations about recomm-  ending this game, but if the mistakes are corrected in future versions then it will be good value for money."
   1 "  Had I been able to explore beyond the   first few locations I may have reached a  different verdict."
   1 "  Forthcoming releases include Station 9 -Zero, an icon driven adventure loading in two parts. Then there is Solo Adventure,  described as being a whole new adventuringexperience. There will also be an advent- ure based on a T.V. situation comedy."
   1 "  As the game is written in BASIC I had a look at the listing but there was nothing there to get excited about so it was a    case of NEW and ENTER."
   1 "  As a special offer we will be giving    away with each tape 5 vouchers each worth 25p which can be used in our adventure    exchange club."
   1 "  A little bit of arson is called for in  the hayloft. You don't need the matches   from the quarry to light the fire as a bugin the program allows you to light the    fire even if you are empty handed."
   1 "   Your first problem crops up in the post office where Prince William will steal    the giro. In order to make any progress   go to the phone box. You will be given    three separate messages to give to Prince Andrew concerning certain tests on his    girlfriends!"
   1 "   You will spend some time travelling on  the buses between different parts of      London and it can be a little bit         annoying waiting for them and trying to   find out where they go. This was the only part of the game I didn't like."
   1 "   You may find the Queen Mum a bit of a   nuisance but read the text carefully for  a clue on how to get her to leave you     alone."
   1 "   You can ignore Princess Michael - an    increasingly common event these days, but watch out for Gordon the butler!"
   1 "   There are many tasks to perform and     problems to be solved such as taking a    picture of Princess Diana in the bath and even picking up a 50p is fraught with     danger!"
   1 "   Membership is completely free. Write    now for full details to:-"
   1 "   Many people are finding that S.A.E.C.   is an ideal and inexpensive way of        adventuring. We probably have more        adventures on our books than you will     find in your local computer store."
   1 "   H.R.H. is Quilled and Patched with a    few split screen drawings. It is well     written and achieves what it sets out to  do - poking fun at the Royal family."
   1 "   As the title suggests, this is an       adventure about the Royal family. The     game has a strong Spitting Image flavour  which should give you some idea of what   you can expect in the game."
   1 "       June Rowe":
   1 "          John Wilson":
   1 "            ML8 5RT"
   1 "            Lanarkshire"
   1 "            CARLUKE"
   1 "            4 Kilmartin Lane"
   1  31 MARFORD HILL 
   1  1986 s.a.e.c.
   1  1986 S.A.E.C.
   1   S.A.E.C."
   1    LL12  8SU   
   1      WREXHAM     
   1      MARFORD     
   1       CLWYD      
   1         @  
   1                                "